Our system works with contactless transactions. A customer only needs to hold bank card with the NFC symbol in front of the payment unit to pay. This can be done to a maximum of €25,00 a day. If your customer will pay by debit card, you would need a debit card contract from your bank. There are costs provided with debit card transactions.
More and more payment machines work with contactless transactions. Right now, 40% of all payment machines in the Netherlands are suited for contactless transactions. Most of the Dutch citizens (62%) own a debit card that’s suitable for contactless transactions. Because of the comfort that comes with these cards, the amount of contactless payment options in the Netherlands and the rest of Europe is rising fast.
A closed payment system would allow you to work with your own debit- or credit cards. Our payment system can be linked to an existing payment system like student passes, camping passes and other entrance systems. To be sure that the combination is possible, this would have to be tested first. If a closed payment system were to be provided, you will need a subscription to manage the card. There are costs provided with each transaction.
Momentarily, we have links available with Multicard, Smart Camping Card and Xafax
Extra possibilities with closed payment methods:
A combination of different payment methods is optional, with a maximum amount of three payment methods.
Credit card payments are optional as well. Keep in mind that there are pricing differences between credit card providers. These providers usually count a standard amount a month plus a rather high amount per transaction. For your own pricing system, this is something to consider.
Pin contracts can take a lot of time and effort to manage. To prevent you from struggling with these contracts we strongly advice you to let us manage these for you through Stichting Derdengelden. This saves you a lot of trouble with contracts and more. The run time to get the PIN machines working will be a few weeks shorter as well. A possible drawback: your money will be paid out once a week, as opposed to an every day payment if you manage the contracts yourself.