If you choose to work with prepaid cards, you can work with your own cards. These cards are easily upgraded through Ideal. Sending a regular customer an subsequent invoice is another option. These cards are categorized as a closed system and provide you with the ability to control the activity of your customers. You can […]
A program selection per laundry program is not possible. Our price settings work per machine and are equal to each laundry program. There are two simple reasons for this: Reason 1: the price setting. In the rate of 55% – 35% – 10% for 40° – 60° – 90° Celsius, the price setting would be […]
If you choose to work with a payment system, assess whether you would prefer to link any other machines to the payment system. If you want to work on your customer relations, contact us for a personal payment card. We have many explicit possibilities, like discount structures, savings, bonus applications and much more. The system […]